I should be working on my fourth Small Treasure for the Elk Grove Fine Arts Center's Small Treasures Show. Due to ill family members, I am hesitant to start the 5 X 7-inch wood panel of the statue I gave my mother while she was recovering.
My whole system will crash if I don't clean out my Google photos...inventory, email, etc.
It's time to order some more Young Living Essential Oils. You can find them at YoungLiving.com if you're interested.YoungLiving.com. I am member number 896233.
In addition, my personal identifiers were released without my authorization due to a data breach.
The good news is that there's more to come! There are a couple of paintings I hope to deliver to the Art League of Lincoln for the Gold Country Fair in Auburn, California, from September 8 - 11. It would be great to see you there! The ticket link is: https://www.goldcountryfair.com/ticket-informationhttps://www.goldcountryfair.com/ticket-info
