Wonderful day! Almost have my 10,000 steps in. Went to church. Visited my family of origin.

I will probably just have some cold cereal for dinner tonight.
Excited to prepare my grocery shopping list. I am going plant-based for a few weeks. I want to try and make croquettes tomorrow night. My mom made awesome chicken croquettes. I would like to try easy Southern Salmon croquettes. They kinda look like crab cakes. I don't eat crab or any shellfish. I also want to make a MaxLiving.com Spinach & Mushroom recipe. I love apple nachos also. I love Granny Smith apples with fresh lemon juice. I have a lemon tree. It is filled with flowers and little buds so, hopefully we will have some juicy lemons.
We get our trash and recycling picked up tomorrow. Did I mention I am a retired Waste Management & Recycling employee? Wonderful group to work with.
My solo exhibition artist reception is Tuesday, May 16th from 1-3 p.m. at Gallery 1855!
My "Armor of God" acrylic painting is on display and for sale at the Blueprint Coffee Shop!
I am going to visit Old Soul @ 40 Acres this week as I will have a soulo exhibition there too!
I have to get a dust cover and wire on the back of my newest painting, "Wide Open Spaces". Got it entered into the Elk Grove Fine Arts Wide Open Spaces show. Hope they accept it!
Have you ever been to the Golden State Pinball Festival in Lodi, California? I am going!
Have a family wedding to attend this month also. Fun!
I walk with a group from Bayside Church - Granite Bay. Always a cool group!
I am donating a painting to Stand Up Placer for their Top Golf Fundraiser. Do you golf?
I am going to clean out my mom's pantry this month. My big brother will be there with me.
I am hoping to create a Volunteer Handbook for Stand Up Placer. The first document that I would include would be a welcome letter from their CEO. Hoping to get one soon.
We are having a cousin visit from out of state. When she arrives, we will go visit my mom.
Have you ever been on a walk at UC Davis Arboretum? I want to try that too.
Bayside Church - Davis has a creative community. I want to check that out this month too.
I may enter the Blue Line Arts Membership Medley. I may have one painting that is available.